For Playsets

For Buildings

Whether you’ve got your heart set on a certain playground or you’re still mulling over which shed will best suit your family’s needs, a home evaluation is the first step to a successful installation. Selecting a location might seem like an easy task, but there’s actually a lot to consider to make sure you’ll be able to use your backyard playground or storage shed for years to come. This is where our team comes in! Here are a few things we’ll look for when our specialists conduct a home evaluation for your backyard project.
Finding Level Land
When our team inspects your backyard to identify the best location for a new playground or shed, one of the first things we’ll look for is level ground. Building on uneven surfaces can lead to unsafe installation, and excavating the land to create a level space can be time-consuming. Selecting a site that needs minimal grading will help save you time and money.
Evaluating the Soil
If you’ve made a garden in your backyard, you likely already have an idea of the type of soil on your property. However, unlike a garden, a playground or shed needs to be able to support a significant amount of weight and activity for years to come. While bedrock, sandstone, and gravel are great for loadbearing, sand silt and clay soil are much less stable. Building on the right type of soil will help preserve your structures and prevent sheds from becoming cracked or damaged due to the structure settling wrong.
Plan for Drainage
During the rainy seasons, it’s important to have soil that will drain thoroughly and quickly. The location you choose for your playground or shed can significantly impact where runoff water flows. Our team will make sure that water will be directed away from the structure and, more importantly, away from your home to prevent accidental damage.
Consider the Climate
It’s no secret that we’ve got some seriously hot summers here in Texas, so making sure your playgrounds and sheds have access to shade is one of our top priorities! This means we will inspect your property to identify locations where natural shade exists to cool down the structures without compromising the safety of the structure. On the flip side, we’ll also examine the space so that thoughtful placement will offer adequate rain cover during the wet seasons.
Check for Utilities
While overhead cables and powerlines are obvious to avoid, locating the lines that run underground can be a little more complicated. Luckily, most cities offer free services to identify the location of buried utilities and our team will use these maps to carefully plan around your electrical, gas, water, and sewer lines.
Replacing Existing Installations
If you bought a home and the previous owner already installed a shed or playground in the ideal location, but the equipment is lacking, our team can help! If you have existing equipment in your backyard, we can help determine whether it’s in good condition and meets safety standards or not. From there, we can assist with the removal of the installation and site preparation for the new installation.
Conducting a thorough and comprehensive evaluation is the first step to building a playground or shed your family will get to enjoy for years. To learn more or to schedule a home inspection, contact us today!